We help you get your aesthetical creation protected.
In more detail:
Whenever you come up with a novel ornamental aspect of an article, this ornamental aspect may be protectable and, if found to be novel, will result in a registered design.
This ornamental aspect may relate to three-dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or to two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colors.
In order to obtain a registered design, a design application showing and explaining the ornamental aspect must be prepared and then filed with a patent office.
The explaining of the design application is similar to drawings with captions (different views,short descriptions). Usually, all of this can be prepared by the designer/s using existing project documentation.
Once filed, the pending design application is examined with respect to formalities.
Typically, the patent office does not carry out a novelty search to come up with existing pre-published documents (e.g. earlier design applications). Substantial examination of the design application with respect to novelty is typically left to third parties (competitors)..