We help you get your technical solution protected.
In more detail:
Whenever you come up with a novel technical solution to a technical problem, this technical solution may be patentable and, if found to be novel and inventive, will result in a granted patent.
This technical solution may be an apparatus/device or a method (making a product, using a device, algorithm controlling a technical process).
In order to obtain a granted patent, a patent application explaining and claiming the invention must be written and then filed with a patent office.
1) The explaining part of the patent application is similar to a technical report (description,drawings ). Usually, most of this can be prepared by the inventor/s using existing project documentation.
2) The claiming part of the patent application should define and claim the basic idea of the invention in an abstract way (list of claims) to maximize the scope of protection. This is the trickiest part of the patent application and should be prepared by an experienced patent drafting professional (“verbal engineer”).
3) Once filed, the pending patent application is examined. At the beginning, the patent office carries out a novelty search and comes up with existing pre-published documents (e.g. earlier patent applications or technical papers).
When examining the patent application, the patent examiner compares each claim in the list of claims of the patent application with these pre-published documents from the novelty search. In most cases, the broadest (most generally worded) claims of the list of claims in the pending patent application are found to lack novelty, i.e. being anticipated by one or the other of the pre-published documents.
4) As a result, the broadest claims may have to be rewritten in a less generally worded way.
In other words, the scope of protection of the patent to be granted is “negotiated” between the patent applicant and the patent examiner.