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We help you get your product name/logo protected.

In more detail:

Whenever you come up with a name/logo for one or many articles or services, this name/logo may be protectable for specified articles or services (list of goods and services) and,  if not descriptive of the article(s) or service(s), will result in a registered trademark.

 This name/logo may consist of a “word” composed of any sequence of (alphanumerical and special) characters and/or a logo. Typically, a trademark is two-dimensional and meant to be printed on or attached to an article to distinguish it from competitors’ articles.

In addition, a trademark may also be three-dimensional (shape or packaging of an article) or even a sound (short melody) or 
fragrance(defined mixture of gas molecules).

Please note that unlike patent or design protection which require novelty of the technical solution and the ornamental aspect, respectively, trademark protection does not require the name/logo/3D-shape/sound/fragrance for specified articles or services to be novel.

Also, there tends to be some overlap between design protection and trademark protection, i.e. both design protection and trademark protection may be obtained for a given article.

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