We help you come up with a value for your IP (protected by any one of patent, design or trademark or any combination thereof)
In more detail:
Based on input such as the official search report(s) of your pending patent application(s) and/or the wording of the claims of your granted patent(s) and/or your business plan with projected turnover and/or the personalities of the innovation drivers in your venture/company, we can provide a valuation of your IP and/or an early-phase due diligence of your venture/company.
Typically, such due diligence and IP valuation relies on future projections rather than past sales figures. As result, there will be more emphasis on the above (foresight) input than on traditional (hindsight) input suitable for accountants and controllers.
Of course, the result of such valuation is to be used for any type of negotiations with prospective capital and/or technology partners.